Cc Teacher Highlight: Leah Pfeiffer

Charlotte James
Common Curriculum
Published in
5 min readApr 1, 2020


Cc Teacher Highlights are where we introduce you to the innovative teachers across the country who are using Cc to take the busy work out of lesson planning.

Tell us a bit about yourself:

Choosing to take a class like the one I now teach, changed the trajectory of my life. I was adamant about wanting to attend culinary school but didn’t have the initial support of my parents who wanted me to attend a liberal arts college. After enrolling in a Culinary Arts Academy class my senior year of high school — I solidified my decision to pursue a career in culinary arts. I attended culinary school, traveled the world, cooked in many different restaurants, and learned about what it means to truly nourish someone. My parents are my biggest champions and I have a letter from my mom taped to my computer that reminds me every day of my tenacity to fight for the things that I believe in. A quality and commitment that I learned from her. I made my way back to the classroom 1 1/2 years ago as a high school culinary teacher at a regional technical center 2 hours away from where I grew up. We pull students from 7 different high schools and bring students together to work on a common goal: workplace skills and cooking skills. I am frequently overwhelmed, exhilarated, and inspired by my students.

What is something you wish your students knew about you?

Phew — -this is a tough question.

I wish they knew how much I struggled in high school.

I wish they knew that I am genuinely not judging them.

I wish they knew that I made dumb decisions and mistakes just like them.

I wish they knew some of the quirky personal things about my life that aren’t necessarily appropriate to share with students but are funny to laugh about or they could relate to if we were friends.

I wish they knew that I’ve experienced regret, pain, sadness, loss, fear, rejection, and failure in ways that are not unlike their issues.

I wish they knew how much I worried, but I also believe that its a good thing that they don’t know that. I worry about them all the time. I worry that I’ll discipline in a way that hurts not helps them. I worry that I said the wrong thing or didn’t speak up soon enough. I worry that they will give up on their dreams. I worry that they’ll get hurt or have their heart broken. I worry that they aren’t being loved enough. I worry that I’ll be boring. I worry that they feel lonely when they leave our classroom. I worry that they don’t know how to handle their emotions.

I think I wish they knew I was truly human just like them.

What is the one teacher tool or resource you couldn’t live without?

My little pieces of scrap paper that I recycle from misprinted documents!! These are where I write my notes for our 3–5 minute daily class meetings…if I don’t write down my clear list of what I need to talk about, I ramble and miss things. And my students love it when I ramble. It could be daily announcements, updates on field trips, assignments, the schedule for the week, upcoming catering events, or even just a current event that I want to share. I didn’t do these meetings when I first started teaching and I’ve realized how valuable they are for clarifying our direction and remaining focused on our purpose.

How has Cc improved your teaching practice?

The standards tracker on CC is a total game changer!! I started meeting with my mentor 6 weeks ago to review my weekly lesson plans and having that accountability partner has pushed my planning and organization to the next level. My mentor is not an expert on my curriculum and the standards tracker allows him to quickly see how much progress I’ve made and what else I need to do. It is a clear and concise way to monitor our direction and understand how our daily lessons align with the big picture.

What is one cool thing you’re working on outside the classroom?

I have been detailing my car recently which has been a lot of fun. I love seeing the immediate progress and also getting into a clean, nice smelling car. I love the Macguire’s line of car products because that’s what my dad uses and I grew up watching him take great care of his car. It also feels like a practical hobby that yields a tangible result.

I’ve also signed up for an online art class through my library. I don’t have all the equipment yet but I’m excited to work on painting with acrylics because that was one of my favorite classes in high school (right after my culinary class) and I love the consuming nature of painting. It forces you to take a break from the rest of your thoughts and duties — and really be present with your work.

What has been your proudest/most challenging moment as a teacher?

I think my proudest moment has been the two times that a student was ready to give up in a big way and walk away from an assignment, task, or our class and I was able to guide them towards their courage to stay and work through their issue. That is better than any competition victory, good grade, cool project, etc. I also feel really proud when they take care of each other and when they laugh together. I absolutely love hearing their laughter.

Most challenging moment would be when I make a mistake or I feel defensive and I have to fight my own demons to remain calm. My classes are each 2.5 hours long so we have an up close and personal relationship and sometimes — they push me. I have to remind myself to be bigger, wiser, and kinder in those moments.

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Charlotte is an brand + content strategist, and creative entrepreneur. She is a big advocate for doing whatever you want without causing harm to others!